Sunday, May 28, 2017

Holy Ghost makes what is good more attractive and temptation less compelling.

"The companionship of the Holy Ghost makes what is good more attractive and temptation less compelling. That alone should be enough to make us determined to qualify for the Spirit to be with us always."

-Henry B. Eyring
"The Holy Ghost as Your Companion"

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Let the Holy Spirit Guide

"We must be confident in our first promptings. Sometimes we rationalize; we wonder if we are feeling a spiritual impression or if it is just our own thoughts. When we begin to second-guess, even third-guess, our feelings—and we all have—we are dismissing the Spirit; we are questioning divine counsel. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that if you will listen to the first promptings, you will get it right nine times out of ten.

Now a caution: don’t expect fireworks because you responded to the Holy Ghost. Remember, you are about the work of the still, small voice."

-Ronald A. Rasband
"Let the Holy Spirit Guide"
APRIL 2017