Saturday, January 14, 2012

Week One and Two Thoughts

Wow! These last two weeks have flown by fast! I love all my classes and professors, I just dont love this blog stuff. I hope I will become more acclimated with using it.  So some insights I have been able to learn from my time I've spent in Family Relations so far.

I've only read the first chapter of the text Marriage and Family the Quest for intimacy, but so far I like it. It's full of statistics and other good tid bits of knowledge packed into the pages and such. But here are some of my facts and thoughts that I've gathered from the material.

So my friend said to me one time, that he would like to date and marry someone that is exactly opposite, cause he wouldn't want to be around them all the time. I thought about it and it kinda bothered me cause Im dating someone right now where we are exactly the same, two peas in a pod. But the textbook talks about opposite personality and cultures when they come together. It says, "The more alike you are with someone in terms of your social background, your lifestyle, your values, and so forth, the more likely you are to be attracted to that person. More importantly, the more alike you are, the better your chances of having a lasting and satisfying relationship."  From this I gather that we are most compatible with relationships whether it temporary or in marriage when we have more in common. Im not saying that my friend is going to have a failed relationship or I am going to have a successful one, but the stats show that we are better when we do have common interests and personalities. So I think as I look around for my future spouse I think it is a better indicator to find someone that is more common than someone that is completly opposite. Another quote to back up that statement is found on page twenty in the text it says, "Marriage is not merely a matter of finding just the right person who can make you happy.  It is a matter of two people who have some positive factors going for them (such as liking each other and sharing similar values) working together in a commited relationship to achieve a mutually satisfying life" I have always thought that I need to find someone in my life that has a lot more going for them than physical looks because once we get old things begin to not look as good as it did in our earlier years and that relationship which was built on physical looks is now gone. So i think I need to search out and find someone that has similar traits to what I posses and what I find are the most valuable Christlike attributes I desire in a spouse.

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