"When we want bus travel information, we go to the bus terminal; when we want financial assistance, we seek out a banker; so why not go directly to God for a confirming testimony of him and his work?

We are always touched when we hear a chorus of Primary children sing, "I Am a Child of God." The last two lines of that inspired song read: "Teach me all that I must know, To live with Him some day." I understand that future printings will follow a wise suggestion made by Brother Kimball, that the word "know" be changed to "do." "Teach me all that I must do, To live with Him some day." Only in the doing can we be assured of a confirmation by the spirit—yes, by good works we do become eligible for personal revelation.
Man's unhappiness is of his own making—a direct result of nonconformity to the plan of life as contained in Heavenly Father's blueprint for happiness. Men never fail because of God's revealed word, but rather, in spite of it."
-Robert L. Simpson
"Building a Foundation of Personal Revelation"
October 1965
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