Since everyone has at least one spiritual gift, the reason to come to church is to share that gift and to edify and bless the lives of others. For a person to say they don't come to church because they feel closer to God fishing on the river on Sunday is totally selfish. They have a spiritual gift they are not sharing. They are in the category of 'the eye saying to the hand, I have no need of thee." The eye or the leg can't cut itself off and say 'it's only hurting me.' It affects the whole body. When a person fails to attend church, it also affects the whole body (or church).
If we stand back and look at the big picture, we see the genius of the Lord. He sprinkles spiritual gifts throughout the church. Not everyone is an apostle, or a teacher, or a singer, or an administrator. The Lord calls a Bishop to be like a "choir director" and assign people different parts according to their gifts to help build the Kingdom of God. The Lord created a need for community. He did not say isolate yourself from the world and become pure. 1 Cor 12:12-22 are part of the unity theme that he was preaching."
-Joseph McConkie
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