Sunday, January 29, 2017

Set your heart upon things not of this world

"To covet means to desire, to long for, to crave that which belongs to another person. The desire to acquire good things is not a violation, but the desire to take them away from another unlawfully is a wrong. In this respect it is well for us to understand that good or evil commences not when the act occurs, but when one sets his heart upon a thing."

-Howard W. Hunter

Faith in the Future

"Knowledge is related to the past because our experiences of the past are those things which give us knowledge, but faith is related to the future—to the unknown where we have not yet walked."

-Howard W. Hunter

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Christ the Physician

"When people have infections or diseases they do not feel ashamed to go to medical doctors for help, so why should they feel ashamed to admit to God that they need his spiritual help? We go for medical help when we have problems because we have faith in the doctor's ability to cure us. Why, then, when we have spiritual problems, are we reluctant to go to the greatest Physician of all? The medical doctor does not "look down" on a person for having a problem. Rather, he welcomes the opportunity to help restore the person's health. He respects that person for caring enough to take the appropriate action. Will God respect us less for coming to him for help? "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28). Our repentance will be a thousand times more difficult without him than it would be if we humbly trust him to love us even in our imperfections." (Steven A. Cramer, Putting on the Armor of God)

Richard G. Scott said:
If your life is in disarray and you feel uncomfortable and unworthy to pray because you are not clean, don’t worry. He already knows about all of that. He is waiting for you to kneel in humility and take the first few steps. Pray for strength. Pray for others to be led to support you and guide you and lift you. Pray that the love of the Savior will pour into your heart. Pray that the miracle of the Atonement will bring forgiveness because you are willing to change. I know that those prayers will be answered, for God loves you. His Son gave his life for you. I know they will help you. (Ensign, Nov 1988)

A man does not have to be perfect right now to receive an answer to his prayers, but he has to be humble in his heart and trying his best to fulfill the commandments. Then the Lord will assist him. (Gene R. Cook, New Era, Dec. 1988)

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Satan Never Satisfied

A lion stops hunting once his belly is full and he feels satisfied, but Satan is never satisfied no matter how many victims he captures, his war is relentless and unceasing.

"We must remember that Satan is always on the job, determined to destroy the work of the Lord and to destroy mankind, and as soon as we deviate from the path of righteousness, we are in great danger of being destroyed."

-N. Eldon Tanner
Dec 1971